
  • Diofrey B. Balaca



Supervisory Competence, Instructional Leadership, Teachers’ Performance, Instructional Supervision


The study was aimed to analyze the supervisory competence and instructional leadership skills of school heads in secondary schools of Eastern Visayas region. This dissertation was conducted purposively in three (3) provinces of Eastern Visayas under six (6) division offices of DepEd Region VIII namely: Borongan City Division, Eastern Samar Division, Catbalogan City Division, Samar Division, Leyte Division and Tacloban City Division. A total of 181 school heads and 181 teachers both Junior High and Senior High School were the participants. This study used the descriptive and correlational design that is deemed suitable as the study described profiles of school heads and the supervisory competence in terms of: learning environment, human resource development and management, and parents’ involvement and community, and school leadership, management and operations at the same time validate its relation to teachers’ performance. Stratified random sampling technique was used and the number of respondents was determined using the Slovin’s formula. Proportional sampling was also utilized to determine the proportional allocation of each school. Necessary data were gathered through an adapted and adopted questionnaires via in person modality. The level of significance was set at .05 for rejecting and accepting the null hypothesis. Results of the study revealed that the variables age, number of years of experience as head, monthly income, and position revealed no significant relationship to with supervisory competence with the p-values 635, .443, .371, .259. and .008 respectively which are greater than the .05 level of significance. On the other hand, educational attainment is statistically significant to supervisory competence of public secondary school heads in the Eastern Visayas region. Hence, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile and supervisory competence of secondary public secondary school heads cannot be rejected. Analysis to test the association between supervisory competence of public secondary school heads and the level of teachers’ performance based on their IPCR and Self-efficacy was done. As presented, the supervisory competence of school heads revealed no significant relationship with the teachers’ performance based on the IPCR with a p-value of .108 which is greater than the level of significance set at .05. Further, supervisory competence is statistically associated to self-efficacy of teachers (p=.001). Hence, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between the supervisory competence of school heads and teachers’ performance is rejected in terms of their self-efficacy.

Author Biography

Diofrey B. Balaca

Master Teacher-II, DepEd-SDO-Eastern Samar, Maslog National High School, Maslog, Eastern Samar, 6820i


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