
Journal of Educational Research aims to publish and foster activities in the field of education research and the burden associated with science, technology, engineering, and substance use education research, and to promote education worldwide.

  • Journal h-index: 20
  • Journal Cite Score: 8.10
  • Journal Impact Factor: 2.404
  • Average acceptance to publication time (3-7 days)
  • Average article Publishing time (15-20 days)

Submit your manuscript at Online Submission System.

Journal of Educational Research (ISSN: 2208-2204) is open access and follows a double-blind peer review process. The publication frequency is bi-monthly and released on the last date of every month. Our journal accepts all research articles, review articles, short communication, and thesis in all fields related to : Distance and Open Learning, Educational Technology & Globalization, Human Resources In Educational Technology, Improving Classroom Teaching, Innovation and Change In Education, Instructional Design, Interactive Learning Environment, Life Long Learning and Technology, Pedagogical and Practical Issues
Professional Development & Teacher Training, Teaching/Learning Strategies, Art Education, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Elemantary Teacher Education, College and Higher Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Democracy Education, Development of Science Competencies, Developmental Psychology, Distance Education, Education and Culture, Educational Administration, Educational Planning, Educational Technology, Environmental Education, ESL Education, Health Education, High School Teacher Education, Human Rights Education, Language Education, Language Learning and Teaching, Language Teacher Education, Learning and Teaching, Guiding and Counseling, Learning Psychology, Mathematics Education, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Middle School Teacher Education, Multi-Cultural Education, Music Education, New Learning Environments, Nursery Education, Parents Involvement, Physics Education, Pre-school Education, Primary School Education, Professional Development, Science Education, Social Sciences Teaching, Society Involvement, Special Education, Sport and Physical Education, Teacher Training, Vocational Education

 Open Access Policy

 All research papers published in EPH Publication Open Access journals are completely open in access: you can read, view, and share them right away. Journals are written under a Creative Commons license, which allows them to be used, distributed, and reproduced in any format if the original work is properly cited. The informative journal standards are something we are committed to. For many journals in our portfolio, we're testing ground-breaking journal status. We want to give researchers as many open-access publishing options as they do subscription publishing options, reflecting our belief in author autonomy. EPH Publications believes that open access to publicly funded science, including research results, is critical to addressing the issues facing researchers.