
  • Dr Zoofishan Hayat



Ethical Leadership, Creativity, Competitiveness


This paper explores the vital significance of leadership in fostering creativity inside businesses. The study especially examines the effects of Ethical leadership styles on several dimensions of creativity. The findings suggest that varying leadership styles exhibit more efficacy at distinct stages of the creativity process. Transformational leadership, which involves inspiring, stimulating cognitive thinking, and providing customized attention, is believed to be more efficient in promoting creative and inquisitive initiatives. These activities are linked to creating innovative and revolutionary ideas and necessitate a nurturing environment that promotes taking risks and thinking creatively. On the other hand, ethical leadership, which emphasizes framework, advantages, and effectiveness, is considered more appropriate for the execution stage of creativity and for processes that leverage existing creativities. These operations sometimes entail making gradual enhancements to current goods and services. The research proposes that the ethical leadership style is crucial in establishing the organizational settings and mechanisms for successful implementation and use. The paper also examines how organizational circumstances influence the connection between leadership styles and creativity procedures. This investigation suggests that systems and cultures can either enhance or reduce the effectiveness of a given leadership style in promoting creativity. The research emphasizes the significance of adjusting leadership styles to align with diverse creativity processes and the necessity of organizational environments that facilitate these diverse methods. This study
offers a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the impact of Ethical leadership on creativity, providing significant perspectives for leaders seeking to foster creativity in their workplaces.

Author Biography

Dr Zoofishan Hayat

University of the West of Scotland


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