Internet connectivity, Educational Videos, Learning OutcomeAbstract
Mobile Learning is the new trend all over the globe. It means accessing learning materials available in the internet using mobile phone. It is becoming more popular with each advancing day. Today the younger people are very smart in using mobiles and they use it for almost all types of their daily business including education. The mobile has made the world of knowledge accessible to everyone, irrespective of age and profession. Using mobile, students can get access to a wide varieties of educational contents that are available on-line and in general, to the world of knowledge. The YouTube, for instance, has innumerable videos on almost any topic on education. Thus mobile is very fast becoming a teacher to all knowledge seekers. M-learning has been embraced by all, the students, teachers, and the common people of all ages and all professions. This is because it offers advantages never experienced before. It offers access to knowledge wherever, whenever and on whatever topic one wants. The whole world of knowledge comes, as it were, within one’s grip. Also, it is very cost and time effective. M-Learning provides the students the opportunity to enrol themselves in various types of courses / programs that offer live classes, video lectures, assignments / tutorials for working out, and give on-line tests of pre-fixed duration from their mobiles to complete the course. M-Learning boosts active engagement of the students and helps to increase their critical thinking power. Learners can stay connected with their peers and teachers for discussions and for seeking assistance whenever required. This creates a more effective learning environment that ensures better learning outcome and retention. However, M learning has a few disadvantages too. First, all in our country cannot afford a mobile phone with internet connectivity. Secondly, the internet connectivity is not there or very weak in underdeveloped areas. The other issues are distraction and misuse. The internet offers enticing opportunities for playing games, engaging in chats, watching cinemas, varieties of sports, etc. Time spent on these activities should be minimised for more productive use of time. Also, there are mobile up-gradation and software compatibility issues that one faces with advancing technology. These disadvantages are not insurmountable and in any case the advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages and M learning is certainly going to stay as the one of the main avenues of learning.
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