General health, affective control, academic performance, studentsAbstract
Background: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between affective control and mental health with academic performance of second grade high school students.
Materials and Methods: The study was applied regarding purpose, and its method was descriptive its correlation design. The population was all second-grade high school students. In this study, 170 people were selected using cluster sampling. Data collection tools were general health, affective control, and academic performance questionnaires.
Results: The results indicated a significant and positive relationship between components of affective control and mental health with academic performance. Moreover, students' academic performance can be predicted through affective control and mental health, and overall about 28.2% of variance in the academic performance of students is predictable by affective control and mental health.
Conclusion: By relying on the findings of this study, teachers and education officials can play a significant role in academic improvement of the students by presenting strategies for affective control and improving mental health of students.
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