Assertiveness, Education, Re-Decision Making, Self-Handicapping, StudentsAbstract
Background: The current research objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching the components of re-decision-making on reducing educational self-handicapping and increasing the assertiveness of female third-year students studying at art school of Lar city.
Material and Methods: This research was applied in terms of objective and experimental type of interventional study in terms of method of investigation. The research population included all the female third-year students studying at art school of Lar city. Sample size of the research was determined to be 100 people, selected using random sampling method. The measurement tool was educational self-handicapping questionnaire and students’ assertiveness questionnaire.
Results: research results revealed that teaching the components of re-decision-making affects the educational self-handicapping and assertiveness of the students, so that this kind of teaching reduces the self-handicapping of students and increases their assertiveness.
Conclusion: based on findings of this research, it is recommended that counselors and therapists use this strategy to reduce the self-handicapping of the students.
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