Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Secondary School Teachers, Ondo StateAbstract
The study examined motivation and job performance among school teachers in Ondo State. Samples of 500 school teachers from 300 secondary schools in Ondo State were selected for the study. A questionnaire designed by the researcher to elicit information from the respondents. The data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained shows that lack of motivation accounts for low level of job involvement, job loyalty and job identification among secondary school teachers. It was also noticed that there was a significant difference between state secondary school teachers and federal government teachers in terms of motivation and job satisfaction. This study therefore, concludes that a significant increase in teachers’ motivation will engender more quality job performance among secondary school teachers. It recommends that the government should encourage teachers particularly those in the rural areas, the school environment should also be made friendly to facilitate teaching and learning process.
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