The Flipped Classroom, English-majored, International Business LawAbstract
This paper reviewed a one-term experiment on the flipped classroom model in teaching the curriculum International Business Law to 120 second-year English-majored undergraduate students majored the business English from Yangtze University as participants. Participants in this study consisted of 60 English-majored undergraduate students in the control group (CG) and 60 English-majored undergraduate students in the treatment group (TG). The process of the flipped classroom model in teaching the course International Business Law was divided into the three parts: outside of the flipped classroom, inside of the flipped classroom and outside of the flipped classroom. The results showed that 1) compared with a teacher-dominated approach for CG, the flipped classroom model in teaching the course International Business Law for TG did a better job in enhancing students’ ability applied in International Business Law; 2) there were significant differences between males in CG and TG, and females in CG and EG.
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