NSHE, quality of world class graduates, Faculty of Education.Abstract
The government has stipulated that the management of higher education must refer to the National Standards for Higher Education (NSHE). This is intended so that the quality of education can be guaranteed. Along with the era of globalization, the quality of graduates is also directed to the quality of world-class graduates. This research is intended to describe the application of the NSHE to improve the quality of world-class graduates. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Education, University of Bengkulu. The research method uses case studies with a "multi case study" approach. The research subjects consisted of leaders of faculty, departments, study programs, and units within the faculty. Data was collected by questionnaire techniques, interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The collected data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results of the study show that NSHE has been applied by the faculty in accordance with their capacity. However, the application of the NSHE is not optimal. There are a number of NSHE items that have not been fully met. Even so, there is a positive contribution to improving the quality of world-class graduates. Suggestions to this institution, so that the implementation of NSHE can truly be fully implemented through the provision of various resources, so that they can compete and take part, both nationally and internationally.
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