Hypocoristics, truncation, names, isiZuluAbstract
This article focuses on the context and meaning of hypocoristics in isiZulu. The analysis provided is based on names collected randomly within the isiZulu speaking community. The objective of this paper is to discuss hypocoristics in isiZulu, one of the eleven official languages of South Africa which is also spoken in slightly different forms in other countries of the sub southern African region. Hypocoristics has a variety of definitions. Depending on the context, it could mean one of the following.
- An expressive or informal form of a proper name that derives morphologically from a personal name. E.g. Bill and Dick for William and Richard respectively in English.
- A diminutive form of a personal name.
- An affective diminutive form of a personal name.
- A familiar personal name modified by abbreviation.
- An expressive form of a child language that sometimes renders the personal name unrecognisable.
- A nickname
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