
  • Emmanuel Nforbi Associate Professor of linguistics, University of Dschang, Cameroon. Head of Department, African Studies and Globalization, Head of African Studies and Globalization laboratory, Vice-Chair, Society for Cameroonian Languages and Cultures.




This paper argues that for African languages to survive in the future, some serious procedures need to be adopted and followed. It is important to note that every enterprise without a written version is bound to take a direction that it might not prefer. Within the next ten years, Africans have to join the rest of the world to work towards the realization of the sustainable development goals. The target of 2030 is in line with stipulated end of the implementation of these goals. When we understand that the riches and world view of Africa has been communicated in its languages, we can with assurance recognize that African languages and cultures carry the essentials of its development resources.  They can only be made available through innovations in didactics and research. What are the pedagogical and didactic approaches towards endangered African languages and cultures? What kind of research and publications? Who should be responsible? 


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