Critical discourse analysis, theoretical perspectives, tools of inquiry, building tasksAbstract
Discourse Analysis study offers the opportunity to penetrate the world of particular author’s research work that will be the subject and object of analysis. It is comprehensive in scope as it covers various disciplines when it comes to our learning and communicating through language and actions. Thus, the primary task is to search the most appropriate and best material where discourse is as relevant and worthy of our time and attention. The criteria for selection is basic and important to form a conclusion which either promotes awareness or justifies our biases in a real world, that might cover or uncover some hard truths of the past, present or future. The story about the Season of Migration to the North depicts the journey of the man’s quest for freedom and achievement of dreams and goals. The realization, awareness and transformation are amazing. The main character in the story has succeeded where others have failed to realize he is at the losing end, fallen victim of his own doings. Yet he lives a legacy with which a reader could somehow relate oneself that might alert the reader from falling out of reality. By far, a good story material with lots of discourses rich for interpretation and analysis.
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