Design e-learning, Management Support, Student EngagementAbstract
The online course system offers the opportunity for learners to improve their competence without the obstacles of distance and time. However, we must ensure that online learning remains of quality and provides optimal results. One of the things that influence the quality of education is student engagement, to determine the effect of management support variables and online learning design variables on learner engagement within the scope of the company are the objectives of this research. The statistical test methods performed were statistical tests of validity, reliability, discriminant validity and testing the effect of factors using Smart PLS 3.2.9 software. Evaluation data obtained through a questionnaire distributed to respondents of PT. Pupuk Kaltim who has participated in e-learning learning. We accept both hypotheses. The elearning design has a significant positive effect on Student Engagement and Management Support has a significantly positive effect on Student Engagement.
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