
  • Le Thi Hai Yen Lecturer, Faculty of Basic Science and Educational Management, Dong Nai University, Dong Nai, Vietnam



stress, stress in preschool teachers, manifestations of stress, Vietnamese preschool teachers


In Vietnam, the profession of preschool teacher is a field of labor activity in the national education system, educating children at preschool age (from 0 to 6 years old). Teachers have very high stress levels because not only are teachers stressed when dealing with so many different children on a daily basis, but they are also responsible for their education and care for shaping and controlling their daily activities. Teacher stress is believed to have a significant negative impact on the physical and mental health of teachers, which leads to impaired educational quality and less effectiveness.

For the purpose of giving a detailed look at Stress as well as its manifestations, we conducted a random survey with 200 teachers from 10 preschools in a province in the southern region of Vietnam.

The analysis results show that the rate of teachers experiencing stress is 24.5%, of which the mild level is 15.3%, the moderate level is 6.2% and the severe level is 3.0%. Besides, the most common stress-related manifestations that teachers encounter are insomnia, headaches, feeling pressured, or irritable, worrying for no reason, and being easily agitated.

From these results, we believe that in order to improve the stress status of teachers, authorities, organizations and unions need to pay attention to supporting teachers, improving income, and reducing work pressure and working time.


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