Availability, accessibility, usage, mobile learning, tertiary institutionAbstract
The study examine the resource application of mobile-learning in Kwara state tertiary institutions. It discusses the challenges confronting the availability, accessibility and usage of mobile-learning pedagogy in the areas of study. Mobile learning is vital to pedagogical resourcefulness because of its unrestricted geographical barriers and global intellectual interaction. The article adopts descriptive methodology. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 146 participants randomly selected from three institutions in the state. Cronbach Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire and 0.78 reliability co-efficient was obtained. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlation. Finding showed that majority of the participants own different mobile devices especially smart phones (91.78%). There was poor access to internet and usage of m-learning for teaching and learning. However, there is positive and significant relationship between teaching effectiveness and availability, accessibility and usage of mobile learning. It was recommended that the management of various educational institutions provide internet facilities on their campuses and encourage the use of m-learning as source of educational materials for teaching and learning activities.
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