
  • Nguyen Thanh Liem English Teacher, Nguyen Van Ba Secondary Public school, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh, Việt Nam



writing skills, writing process, feedback on posts, feedback from friends


The use of feedback from classmates plays an integral role in a student's writing process. Peer feedback is considered an important part of the writing process, it not only teaches students how to work cooperatively with others but also helps them correct their writing mistakes and improve their writing. In Vietnam, specifically in the secondary school environment, writing feedback is considered a relatively new learning activity, not yet widely applied and not widely studied.

With the desire to have an overview of this activity as well as the basis for making some recommendations in teaching foreign language writing skills of secondary school students. We conducted a survey with 400 students currently studying in grade 9 at secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Our research results show that: Students are very interested in the feedback on their writing; Most students think that they will review and correct according to the feedback to make their writing more complete. In addition, the percentage of students who can correct their own writing is still not high, and the teacher's support for this problem is still low. Therefore, in order to improve students' writing skills, we believe that teachers and educational institutions need to increase the application of peer feedback in teaching. At the same time, teachers need to better perform the role of a guide in this regard.


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